The Harpy Eagle, So Big, It Looks Like a Person in Disguise!

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Halloween is coming soon, and maybe you want to dress up as a bird this year. A big, strong bird costume would make everyone notice you! But today, I want to tell you about a real bird that already looks like someone wearing a bird suit. This bird is the harpy eagle, and it’s huge, beautiful, and mighty!

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Sometimes, pictures of the harpy eagle go around online. Maybe you’ve seen one and thought it was just a person in a costume. But no, this bird is real! And it’s powerful, too. The harpy eagle is the biggest and strongest bird of prey in the world. Its wings can spread out to 7 feet and 4 inches long—longer than some people are tall! Even though they are big, they don’t weigh too much, only around 8.5 to 20 pounds.

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You won’t see harpy eagles everywhere. They live high up in the tall trees of tropical forests. Sadly, their homes are being cut down, and that’s making it harder for them to survive. There are fewer than 50,000 harpy eagles left in the world today.

These birds don’t eat little things. They hunt bigger animals like monkeys, sloths, porcupines, and even snakes and lizards.

So, scroll down and take a look at this amazing bird! Doesn’t it look almost like a person? With its serious face and strong talons, it’s both funny and a little bit scary at the same time!

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