She Saw Tiny Eyes in the Grass—Here’s What Happened Next

woman spots tiny eyes in grass and discovers a trapped baby bat 1063 big

While checking on a bat colony in Adelaide Parklands, a volunteer from Bat Rescue SA stumbled upon a tiny life in desperate need of help. Amidst the tall grass, two small, glimmering eyes caught her attention. It was a baby bat, just three weeks old, tangled in blades of grass that had wrapped around its neck and wings.

The volunteer, Karin, acted quickly and carefully. She listened to the baby bat’s faint cries for help and delicately freed him from the entanglement. Pulling the grass out by the roots, she ensured the little bat wasn’t harmed during the rescue. Once free, the baby seemed to understand he was safe, staying calm in her hands.


Wendy Stanton from Bat Rescue SA later recounted the moment. “Karin told me he was incredibly lucky to be spotted. He was so well hidden in the grass, it was his calls that led her to him,” Stanton said.

The tiny bat, now named Henry, was transferred to a care facility where Stanton took over his recovery. Though uninjured, Henry was weak and needed around-the-clock care to regain his strength. He now spends his days resting in an incubator and is fed milk five times a day. Despite everything he endured, Henry’s gentle nature won over his caretakers.


“He’s such a sweet little guy,” Stanton shared. “Bats seem to know when we’re trying to help them.”

As Henry grows, his care will change to meet his needs. In a few weeks, he’ll transition to eating fruit and, at around 12 weeks old, will join a creche with other rescued bats. There, he’ll learn essential skills like flying and socializing. Eventually, he’ll be moved to a release aviary in the parklands where he was found. This will give him time to adjust to the wild before rejoining his colony.


Henry’s rescue is a testament to the tireless work of Bat Rescue SA, whose volunteers are committed to protecting these often-overlooked creatures. Thanks to Karin’s sharp eyes and quick actions, Henry’s future is bright. For now, he can focus on resting, growing, and preparing for the day he’ll soar freely through the skies of Adelaide once more.